
AUGB Membership
AUGB membership is open to those who meet the criteria set by the Association of Ukrainian's in Great Britain.
AUGB Membership is open to anyone aged 18 or over who:
Is of Ukrainian descent,
Is the non-Ukrainian spouse of someone of Ukrainian descent,
Is legally resident in Great Britain,
Subscribes to the purposes of the Association and agrees to abide by its rules,
Pays the relevant subscription.​
Prospective members must fill out the application form (available from the branch chair and below), which must be countersigned by two existing members of the Association.
The current annual subscription rates are:
Ordinary individual members - £20
Pensioners/unemployed - £10
Students - £3
As a Huddersfield AUGB member, you are entitled to attend and vote at our annual branch AGM.
Associate membership is available to those not of Ukrainian descent nor a spouse of a Ukrainian descendant but otherwise fulfilling the Association criteria and agreeing to the club rules and conditions.
People of Ukrainian decent may wish to be an Associate Member if they do not wish to attend or vote at the annual Huddersfield branch AGM.
Prospective Club Members will be reviewed by the committee and their decision is final.
The current annual subscription is £10 per each individual member.
Any queries relating to membership may be directed to Petro Dorotiak.